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[라이브아카데미] 영어 어휘 resent 에 대해서 배워보자

하루사키 2023. 6. 18. 23:06



resent someone : 누군가를 resent한다.

I don't resent them.

Do you resent her?


resent something : 여기서 something은 어떤 사람이 하기로 한 것(누군가의 결정, 누군가가 만든 규정, 누군가 어떤 걸 하는 방식 등) 원망하다, 등등


+ for (not) ing

ex) I resented my sister for a long time. (resent + someone)

+ for not being there for me when I needed for.

ex) The employees resented the new company policies.  (resent + something) 회사를 원망하는 것.

+ that completely seemed to disregard their wellbeing.

-> The employees resented the company for coming up with new policies that completely seemed to disregard their wellbeing.


resentment를 가지다~

have resentment towards someone

have resentment about something

have feelings of resentment


ex) I think she had a lot of resentment about the way the project was handled.

ex) A: Do you have any resentment towards your sister? 원망하는 마음이 있니?

B: I used to, and I did until recently. I guess I would be lying if I said that I didn't have any feelings of resentment towards her right now, but I believe I've moved past it for the most part.

resentment를 사용하면 정도를 표현할 수 있어서 좋다.

some of resentment~

have a lot of resentment

ex) I admit that I had some (feelings of) resentment about the decisions.

*grudge 한을 품다?

hold a grudge against someone