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[라이브아카데미] make it

하루사키 2023. 6. 20. 15:36


make it : (성공이) 어느 수준까지 이르다


make it this/that/so far

I never thought I would make it this far. 성취의 수준

Why stop now? You made it this far. You might as well keep going.

Nobody expected they would made it that far so soon.


make it to

특정 지점에 이르다

Only a few made it to the very top. 고작 몇 명만이~

I think this song is going to make it to the top of the Billboard in just a few weeks.

I don't think I can make it to meeting in time.


make it into

After a few bad years, she eventually made it into one of the most prestigious universities in her country.

It only took her a few attempts to make it into the team/company. 몇 번의 시도만에

The team made it to(into) the finals.


make it through

성공적으로 통과,거쳐가다

I'd be surprised if we made it through the month. 남은 한 달 우리가 버틴다면 나는 놀랄거야. (아마 못 버틸거야) I doubt/I don't think~

This really has a special place in my heart. It helped me make it through some really hard times.

Many businesses had to take extreme measures in order to make it through the pandemic. *take measures: 조치를 취하다


make it as

~로서 성공하다

Everyone he knew told him he would never make it as an actor.

It takes a lot of skill and luck to make it as a successful startup.

Most people don't realize that he had spent a number of very difficult years before he made it as a writer.


make it (somewhere)

장소에 도착하다

I don't think we can make it there in time. 제시간에 도착하지 못할 것 같아

I hope you can make it.

I'm glad you could make it.